Visit Authairea

Constitutional Monarchy is freedom from over ambition

Prime Ministerial Greeting.

Welcome to Authairea, a land of many contrasts, many cultures, many religions and finally one dream.  What is this dream? It is a dream of billions. It is progress, it is to leap up the ladder of accomplishment.

We are to say that we shall one day make the perfect society, of truth, harmony and economic progress. To make a land in which all can find happiness and fulfillment in all its forms.

Join Authairea, or if not join. See what our great land has to offer. For we love nations outside our own. Let them see our nation, we hope that all who visit will enjoy and love its charm, its people and its wisdom.

There is much to visit, much to eat, and much to adore. Visit Authairea today. It is fair to say that we have what you are looking for.

Announcement of Lord Athanasius Ilius

There are many great cities in Authairea, from the ancient capital of Authaira, to the bustling metropolis of Bouranburg our cities have much to offer.

Here in the city of Gironde, is the great skyscraper symbolizing the grand struggle against the dictator, and the rebirth of our proud nation.

We ask all citizens and tourists alike to bath in our nations glory, for it is a radiant sunshine, a star of hope, a dream.

Do not fear our nations intentions, for we wish only that all who live are happy, that all who live breath progress, and all that is alive has hope. That hope is for a better future.

Authairea has a long and painful history, but through this history a new hope has arisen that all should join in. That hope is Authairea today.

Live in peace, live in hope, live with pride, for this nation is of many, of many dreams and many great achievements. For we are Authairea!